90% of all outcomes are derived from 10% of causes.

we seek the truth and we endure the consequences

Talk is cheap, show me the code.

I’m gonna live my choices through real life actions.

be very taciturn in talking with words and very loquacious in talking with actions.

I’m goddamn tired, but inaction changes nothing.

newton’s third law, The only way of getting somewhere is to leave something behind.

if i choose nothing, i will get nothing.

If I don’t know what I want, I can’t judge myself for not achieving it.

My choice is not what I’m thinking, saying or writing but what I’m actually doing right now.

Everything comes at a price.

To earn more than everybody, you should be willing to lose and sacrifice more than everybody.

those who can’t sacrifice anything, can’t change anything and deserve nothing. If I can’t let it go, it’s not worth holding on to.

The perfect decision making duration is 8 minutes and 34 seconds.

Any worthwhile venture involves risk.

The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.

World is full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.

I’m not gonna let the fear of striking out keep me from playing the game.

50% chance of winning 1 or 10% chance of winning 5?

I’m not sure if it’s possible or not but the only way to find out is to try with everything I’ve got.

I choose to be the same person in the best or worst possible situation.

The scope of one’s personality is defined by the magnitude of that problem which is capable of driving a person out of his wits.

If I know the world is gonna collapse tomorrow doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy today.

Am I willing to succeed with cost of everybody disliking me?

Starting is the most important and hardest step.

七転び八起き - Nana Korobi Ya Oki

The rest of my life starts right now.

hope is product of self-trust.

Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

never trust a founder that doesn’t use his own product

everybody only gives shit about himself. my only defference is being self-aware.

lead people who lead people.

i’m the monster they created

شاید ما افسرده نیستیم و فقط فرسوده ایم

We accept the life/love/job we think we deserve.

If you have to walk through an unpleasant path, what can you do to make it more bearable or even turn the tide and use it to your advantage?

Thoughts, words, actions, habits, character, destiny

play to win or don’t play at all.

don’t optimize sth that should not have existed in the first place.

Never make the same mistake twice.

Big people make big choices.

Qui ose gagne.

It takes 10 years to become an overnight success.

Wealth is having assets that earn while I sleep.

It’s not about how big an army is, it’s about who is the general.

don’t ever go with the flow, be the flow

A real loser is someone who’s so afraid of not winning he doesn’t even try.

If I’m not failing I’m not operating at the edge. if I’m not operating at the edge, I’m not learning as much as I can.

The first principle is that I must not fool myself, and I’m the easiest person to fool.

I’m not going to fool myself, and I’m the easiest person to fool.

It might be a labyrinth but the big picture is very simple.

if you can’t make money out of a penny, you won’t do it from a unicorn company.

The only way is to move forward.

I just Keep Moving Forward Till I’ve Killed My Enemies.

You’re crazy until you’re successful, then you are a genius.

It’s much easier to get 5M views on one video than 50K views on 100 videos.

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity. To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?

Success is to seize narrow short-term golden windows.

Inspiration is perishable, act on it immediately.

Work hard as hard as you can.

The only real test of intelligence is if you get what you want out of life. (but what if it doesn’t exist or i don’t want anything?)

The right way to work is like a lion.

Time’s running out like a cup of coffee, so whatever I have to do it right fu*king now.

It’s always late to start, tomorrow much later than today.

time is the ultimate currency in life

This life, this year, this year, this second

I won’t get rich by renting out my time.

i only live once.

time waits for no one

My time is limited, I’m not gonna waste it living someone else’s life.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect

Move fast and break things

i can’t risk my time on luxury certainty and perfection

Assess every choice with a single question: “If I time-travel to past, do I repeat it again the same?”

Do I live my life in such a way that I would be willing to repeat it again and again, forever?

Would I have chosen to be born or not?

I just try to live every day as if I’ve deliberately come back to this one day, to enjoy it, as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life.

think simple and word hard

Good is just what people call people who help them.

don’t runaway from bad to worse

if sth is stupid don’t do it, no matter how small it is

create stable self-sufficient system and leave them on their own.

I’m gonna be the change I want to see in the world.

Become so big that this world seem small next to you.

If I don’t do it, I want to be the person who doesn’t want it, not one who can’t.

We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.

Every great painter paints what he is.

A great writer writes like there is no one else in the world to read.

If I can’t fix myself how can I fix the world?

I’m not center of the world but I am center of my world.

Soft as a leaf, strong as a trunk.

we suffer more in imagination than in reality.

death is the closest thing to peace.

Long-term games with long-term people.

Surround myself with people 20% better than me.

don’t care about people more than amount they care about themselves.

I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses.

fuck others

Everybody in the world is a compass for me. A reminder of where I want to be and where I don’t.

Streak is the most important metric for success.

تو یه گلوله‌ی طلایی نداری، صدتا گلوله‌ی سربی داری. باید انقدر بزنی تا بخوره به هدف

Anybody can do it, question is who does?

Everybody knows what’s the price, question is who is willing to pay?

The cold water doesn’t get warmer if i jump late.

fear, pain or maybe both.

Diff between 121 and 120 mins is nothing, diff between 1’ and 0’ is everything.

To become great, I should become good first.

No matter how much I can stretch, in the end I have a limited rope. The challenge is to maximize the area.

هیچی پرفکت نیست، اینقدر دنبالش نباش اسکل

Sacrifice 1 perfect to get 4 good-enoughs.

no matter i think and feel 99 or 1, I have to choose and act 100.

I’m born righ now in this situation, with this knowledge and experience, so what am I gonna do now?

Any change is a mean to produce energy.

Marketing is like sex, only losers pay for it.

I always want it to be a project that, if successful, will make the rest of my career look like a footnote.

elementry school beat me, high school crushed me and university nearly killed me, and yet here i am.

Am I ashamed becuase I’m not who I want to be or because I’m not what society says I have to be?

Don’t be sorry, be better.

Only being present in the game triggers many opportunities by itself.

Do it if it’s the biggest thing I can do.

I’m gonna think out of the box.

No matter of probabilities, take 100% of the shots.

Certainty almost never exists and it’s not an excuse to do nothing.

Whether I am a victim or not, thinking and complaining about it will change nothing. so the best choice is to get over it, put my head down and soldier through.

If I want to be the one in a billion person, I should live in a way that those other 999,999,999 people won’t even imagine.

Luck ain’t enough, I’m gonna make my own breaks.

I’m gonna be a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

With great pes comes great responsibility

I’m gonna be man of focus, commitment and sheer fuing will.

Success is my only motherfing option, failure’s not.

If there are no more good movies to watch anymore, it’s time for me to become a director and create my own masterpieces.

I’m gonna find a way or make one.

How many fights do I have in myself?

I’m gonna bruteforce my way to success.

I’m gonna work hard on what interests me the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.

When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.

Make every bullet count.

Can somebody that is totally ok to leave this world right now, have a passion to live?

i have to choose what do i want

am i running from sth out of fear or am i running for sth out of passion.