

戦え is action against opposition.

The reason to fight is to get rid of it.

To fight against pain, fear, hardship, tiredness, fatigue, sadness, depression, boredom, anger, shame, uncertainty, weakness, obsession, despair, inertia, obstacles, burdens, failures, expectations, defaults, limits, odds, majority, time, nature, people, world.

total war

a type of warfare where a country or a group mobilizes all of its resources—military, economic, and civilian—towards the war effort, often disregarding the rules of war or civilian safety.


Outlast countless number of chain-fights

How many fights do I have in myself? eren yeager


  • Carpe diem. I choose to seize the day and make my life extraordinary!
  • I choose to seize the identity I want for myself.
  • I choose to seize short term golder windows.


I’m gonna bruteforce my way to success.

I’m gonna work hard on what interests me the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.


When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.


Make every bullet count.

Testing the limits of human spirit

breaking walls

breaking the wall of programmed defaults like detroit game. wall of limits, fears, pride, … and whatever is barring from growth.


listening to a good music even in hell has its joy. best case scenario it will make the situation LF positive and in the worst cast it at least will make it less negative.


fighting in the enjoyable fields will turn it into a playing

have to

if the only choice for me is to fight, let’s do it as best as i can.

🔙 handbook